THE IWA Panel that manages the South West Inland Waterways Regeneration Fund (SWIWRF) has approved an application by the Grand Western Country Park (aka Devon County Council) for a grant of £8340 to purchase two new notice boards and produce updated information sheets for the entire canal, many of which are now 20 years old and contain out-of-date information.
Work to install the new notice boards and to replace the information sheets is now in hand and visitors to the Grand Western Canal should notice them appearing in the months to come. SWIWRF was established as a separate restricted fund within IWA in March 2021 and eligible corporate members within the branch are able to apply for grants, with deadlines for making applications of June 30 and December 31 each year. Donations received to date, including gift aid, total £55,000 and grants made to date total £27,000.
Story: Amy Tillson
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