Spring launch for Sharpness 150 landmark


CELEBRATIONS to mark 150 years since the opening of Sharpness New Dock in 1874 were launched with an exhibition at Sharpness Sports and Social Club.

Aimed at bringing people from the community, surrounding areas and visitors together to participate in and enjoy exploring the past, present and future of Sharpness Dock, anniversary events will continue throughout 2024. Martyn Slater, from the organising team, said: “Sharpness 150 is an initiative aimed at uniting people as they discover not only the heritage of Sharpness New Dock, but also its influence on the area, its industries and, most importantly, the personal stories it has helped to shape.”

Local historians, from left: Tony Conder, Chris Witts, Hugh Conway Jones and Carole Mills. PHOTOS: KEN HITCHINGS.

Visitors browsed an exhibition of historic photos and artefacts at the launch held at the Sharpness Sports and Social Club, formerly the Dockers Club. The Waller stationary steam engine was working, the Severn Area Rescue Association (SARA) displayed a rescue boat and there was a stunning display of photographs from Clare Glanville. People’s memories were recorded for the ongoing Sharpness 150 oral history programme, in conjunction with Gloucestershire Archives; anyone not able to record their stories on the day can get in touch with the organisers via the 2024 Sharpness 150 Facebook page or the Sharpness150.org.uk website.

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Members of the organising team from the Vale of Berkeley Railway, from left: Mike Studden, David Snell, Carolyn Jones, Carole Mills, Julie Snell, Bryan Whitfield and Howard Parker. PHOTOS: KEN HITCHINGS.

The Canal & River Trust will hold a celebration on Saturday and Sunday, July 13-14 including guided walks and boat trips as well as the exhibition showing how the port was constructed and acted as a conduit for moving goods all over the country. A variety of organisations will be represented including SARA, Vale of Berkeley Railway, Sharpness Docks Ltd and various local historians. CRT’s Explorers team will provide opportunities for children to learn not only about the Docks and the Gloucester & Sharpness Canal, but the natural environment too.

Visitors browse the exhibition of photos and artefacts. PHOTOS: KEN HITCHINGS.

To share any stories email sharpnessportstories@canal rivertrust.org.uk These stories may form part of the exhibition and will help commemorate this special anniversary. Discover more and follow the Sharpness 150 events programme at: sharpness150.org.uk and on Facebook – search for: 2024 Sharpness 150.

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Story by Janet Richardson.

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