
CHARACTERS OF THE CUT: Paul & Anthony Smith-Storey


Alice Elgie caught up with Paul & Anthony…

AFTER 13 years of hiring a small day boat from Ellerbeck Narrowboats in Chorley, and multiple walks along the towpath with their dog Dexter, it was a chance meeting that finally propelled Paul and Anthony Smith-Storey towards living aboard.

Paul explained: “We bumped into a lady who said she had sold her house and bought a boat and that it was the best thing she had done. It got us thinking that we could try the lifestyle ourselves.”

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Paul and Anthony aboard their current craft, a serial hybrid electric boat built by Oakums. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Paul and Anthony aboard their current craft, a serial hybrid electric boat built by Oakums. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Four years and two boats later it seems the trial period is most definitely over and continuously cruising the canals of England has turned out to be exactly the right lifestyle for them. Especially as, in particular, Paul and Anthony love being out on the cut in winter. “We love the peace in winter, walks along the frost-covered ground, last leaves falling from the trees,  flocks of birds – mostly starlings and visiting fieldfares – and that warm cosy feeling when you get back aboard your boat in front of the fire with a hot chocolate. Some of our favourite memories are of winter on the canals.”

Their current craft, a serial hybrid electric boat, was built by Oakums and it was important to the couple that it was as green as possible. “We wanted to do the right thing so we have an electric oven and hob, are gas and coal-free, and can top up the batteries from our solar or generator.” They rely on solar on sunny days and tend to run their generator to top up the batteries in the winter months. “We can cruise for 6-8 hours and only use 20-30% of our battery power.”

Paul showing his latest work of art. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Paul showing his latest work of art. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

As continuous cruisers this option is important, especially as nature and wildlife artist Paul likes nothing better than finding inspiring mooring spots to nourish his creativity. “I’m always sat at the dinette by the duck hatch and the days I can sit with a cup of coffee, in a beautiful location, duck hatch open, Dexter snoring by my side and drawing is my idea of heaven.”

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Paul studied art and design at St Helens College of Art for two years but then became a full-time magician. He said: “I took a 30-year break from art and then Covid hit the world, all my magic shows were cancelled, so I downloaded some courses and got back into it.” Paul now finds himself busy drawing British wildlife, and also pet commissions that he sells all over the world.

“I have always loved nature and wildlife, it’s just something I’m drawn to, pardon the pun! I love to capture that look in an animal’s eyes, highlighting their character and personality.” Feedback from Paul’s customers has been hugely encouraging and he particularly loves to bring back happy memories for pet owners who have lost their beloved pets and has so far drawn dogs, cats, horses and even pet lizards!

Paul’s love of nature and wildlife inspires his artwork. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Paul’s love of nature and wildlife inspires his artwork. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

“It’s a real honour when asked to draw someone’s pet. I try to capture all the details and people say my artwork looks like a photo, but I still want it to look like artwork.”

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It seems the stars aligned when Paul’s burgeoning career as an artist coincided with selling up and moving aboard as when several narrowboat folk highlighted his work, things really began to take off. “David from Cruising the Cut and Kath and Annamarie from The Narrowboat Experience were both very kind, featuring my artwork on their channels.” Now Paul is also a floating trader and loves selling from the side of the boat. “Chatting is something I love to do and it’s really nice to meet customers when I’m trading.”

A beautiful example of British wildlife by Paul. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
A beautiful example of British wildlife by Paul. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

It’s this sense of community that is really the highlight for both Paul and Anthony because despite being close to nature and the water, which offers a wonderful way of life, it’s the people who have truly captured them. “We have made some amazing friends and that’s the real icing on the cake for us. It’s the common ground we share for whatever reason we got into boating in the first place, be it a love of boats, water, nature, or that sense of adventure. We do think people are friendlier by the canal, too. It seems to attract like-minded folk who appreciate these wonderful stretches of water.” Something tells me Paul and Anthony are now paying it forward, inspiring others on the towpath to this way of life, just as they themselves were inspired!

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