
BOAT RALLY returns for 2025


The Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal Society (SWCS) is returning for the third year to The Bratch Locks for its Annual Rally of Boats. 

THE rally is a celebration of the heritage of the society and the Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal and is taking place this year on August 30 and 31. The Bratch is a beautiful example of industrial heritage, with the Bratch Locks and Bratch Pumping Station sitting side by side in the peaceful Wombourne countryside.

Boats line the towpath at the Annual Rally of Boats, as visitors enjoyed the two-day event in 2024. PHOTO: STEVE HUSSELBEE
Boats line the towpath at the Annual Rally of Boats, as visitors enjoyed the two-day event in 2024. PHOTO: STEVE HUSSELBEE

The navigation fell into disuse during the 1950s and through the tireless efforts of a legion of volunteers, the SWCS was born and the canal was restored. Almost 75 years later, the 46-mile route has Green Flag accreditation, is a designated conservation area, and is acknowledged as one of the prettiest canals in the UK.

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While the canal is still going strong, the SWCS has warned of how the Canal & River Trust is facing cuts to its grants from the Government and has urged people to pledge their support to the continuous maintenance the CRT provides so that “everyone – boaters, walkers and cyclists alike – can continue to enjoy this waterside environment.”

Admission is free to the rally, which will take place between 10am and 5pm each day. Visitors can attend the SWCS stall to find out more about the society and the history of the navigation, see historic working boats and speak with their custodians, visit Bratch Locks and see how they work, speak with CRT staff and volunteers and meet the many canal societies who are championing their canals and heritage, keeping them alive for future generations. There is also the opportunity to take a walk along the towpath past all the moored boats and see Bumble Hole Lock, visit floating traders, and stay refreshed at the food stalls, bar and other facilities on offer.For more information, visit www.swcanalsociety.co.uk

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