THE Inland Waterways Association’s Canalway Cavalcade will celebrate its 40th anniversary at Little Venice during the Early May Bank Holiday weekend from April 29-May 1, 2023.

This legendary event has been bringing communities together since 1983 and will once again be transforming the heart of the London canal network, with more than 100 colourfully dressed boats, live music, refreshments, craft stalls and plenty of family fun for all to enjoy.
The vibrant festival is one of the biggest and brightest events in the nation’s waterways calendar and a firm favourite with visitors.
There will be a packed programme of events both on and off the water including a pageant of decorated boats on Saturday; boat handling competitions and an evening procession of illuminated boats on Sunday. Younger visitors can try their hand at kayaking, visit a Teddy Bear’s Picnic, enjoy crafts, games and fairground rides.

Opening times will be Saturday 10am-6pm, Sunday 10am-6pm and 9-10.30pm and Monday 10am-5pm. For more details of what’s on, timings, how to get there, how to book in your boat, plus a full listing of food and drink, craft and other stalls, please visit the website:
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