There may be witches and ghouls spotted around Lymestone Brewery on 30th October, but you can rest assured that any spells cast will be good ones.

The event, organized by Trustee, Emily Dangerfield, is a fundraiser for The Moira Fund, a charity which helps families devastated by the loss of a loved one through murder. After Moira’s horrific murder in 2008, her heart-broken family in Weston soon realized how little help there was available for traumatically bereaved families, how many were struggling financially as well as emotionally to cope with funerals, loss of earnings, the media, upcoming trials, etc. They set up The Moira Fund and, working for nothing from their back bedroom, with no official funding whatsoever, they have now helped well over a thousand families nationwide in many ways. At the same time, they have campaigned successfully for better services for homicide victims’ families.
Emily, has been a dedicated supporter of The Moira Fund since it was established in 2009, organizing a number of fundraisers and taking part in many more.
Emily said, “I am so pleased that by popular request, we are back at Limestone Brewery again. They were great hosts for our last event. With a lovely informal atmosphere, it was warm, and friendly, and we raised a wonderful amount of money for an amazing charity. We want to do the same again for this great cause – the dress code for the night is Halloween, and we will have great live music from the Deacons and from the Formula. To take care of any hungry tummies we have arranged for the GNAW Catering Events Van to be on site. For tickets, £15 each, please call Emily on 07946 603936 or Kate on 01889 207015