JOHN Beveridge, founder of the Loch Lomond Steamship Company which is working to return PS Maid of the Loch, built for British Railways in 1953, to sailing on Loch Lomond, has been made a Member of the Order of the British Empire in the King’s Birthday Honours List.

Seventy-one-year-old John, who hails from Helensburgh, says that the honour has been bestowed on him for his volunteering with the charity from which he stood down as chairman in 2021, after many years of patient work advancing the Maid of the Loch’s cause and successfully sourcing funding since the foundation of the company.
John said: “This honour reflects on the fine work done over many years by our volunteers. When we took over the boat in 1995, she was a wreck and sinking. Today, work goes on to restore her to full steaming condition so that she can take her place again on Loch Lomond as a true heritage and tourist attraction. The MBE is a great boost for the whole heritage and preservation movement and has generated useful publicity for the work we’re doing on the Maid.”

Loch Lomond Steamship Company chairman Iain Robertson said: “Without the efforts of John and others, the Maid would have been scrapped. This honour recognises the importance of the part he played in saving the ship and commencing work on her restoration.”
John has also been active in the restoration and operation of London & North Eastern Railway-built PS Waverley and sits on the charity’s board. He is also actively campaigning to have Helensburgh Pier restored so that the paddler can dock there again during the summer months.