THE Moira Canal Festival organisers are pleased to be returning to Moira on May 21-22 after a two-year absence.The festival is held on the banks of the restored Ashby Canal, in the grounds of the Grade II listed Moira Furnace in north-west Leicestershire, with entertainment throughout the weekend at this family event.

Geoff Pursglove said: “This year, our 20th, attractions will include the D-Day Darlings (Britain’s Got Talent finalists), falconry display, Morris dancing, boats, classic cars, bar, bands, stalls, exhibits, children’s entertainment, bar and refreshments – and we have just had confirmation of a flypast from the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight.”
A popular event is the return of Mother Duck and her ducklings and the Moira Duck Race, which can be quite interesting, considering the lack of any current on the canal!Being on a currently isolated length of the canal, all boats have to arrive by trailer. Harbourmaster Fiona Pursglove is very pleased with the turnout.

She said: “With nearly 20 booked in already, we are well over our normal number, with boats coming from all over the country, including Wales and Devon.” The organisers are just hoping for good weather and this year’s festival could then be the best yet!
The event is at Moira Furnace, Furnace Lane, Moira DE12 6AT.It is open from 10am to 5.30pm each day. Admission: Adults £6, children £3, with free parking and programme.Contact Geoff Pursglove at [email protected] for more information.
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