WITH parts of the UK having had their wettest winter since records began in 1836, work on the Crickheath Tramway wharf wall was delayed despite prolonged pumping to reduce water levels.

So the main focus of a recent work party was to crack on with lining and blocking just south of the wharf. This section had failed the water testing last October, hence the need for waterproofing, though even here a modest amount of pumping was required before work could start.

A further 35 metres of channel were lined and blocked and although there was still work to do above water level, the diggers worked further down the channel in the direction of Schoolhouse Bridge. Following site clearance earlier in the year, it was possible to start the initial profiling of the channel by excavating the bed to the required level (grade) and regularising the bank slopes (profiling).

A further 35m of channel lined and blocked to water level. ALL PHOTOS: SUCS