OXFORD CITY COUNCIL start eco-moorings project


Phil Pickin reports…

WORK has begun to install electric infrastructure for boats to reduce air pollution along Oxford’s waterways. The council, in conjunction with the Canal & River Trust, was awarded £193,000 by the Government as part of the annual Air Quality Grant to install what have been termed as ‘eco-moorings’ on the Aristotle Lane visitor moorings.

The project will see three eco-mooring bollards being installed to provide visiting boaters with electrical power and offer an alternative to the use of diesel engines, generators and wood burners for their energy requirements. This new project builds upon the council’s existing Air Quality Action Plan to improve air quality in the city. 

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The location of the new eco-moorings. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
The location of the new eco-moorings. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

The eco-moorings will consist of three electric pillars, each containing two sockets, which will enable up to six visiting boaters to plug into and connect to the grid for energy. The sockets will have a range of capacities, with five 16-amp sockets and one 32-amp socket, the latter of which will support the charging of electric propulsion boats. The hope is that all of the sockets will have the capability to become 32-amp in the future, but this will be based on demand when fully up and running.

It is estimated that there are around 200 boaters living on the rivers and canals around Oxford, and the council estimates that half of them are visiting boaters. The council went on to say that “there are limited locations across the county where electrical power is available for boaters – especially for short-stay moorings and that without access to electricity, boaters are often forced to run diesel engines to charge up their batteries and to burn wood or coal to heat their houseboats, both of which have been proven to be harmful to human health.” 

Coun Anna Railton, deputy leader and cabinet member for Zero Carbon Oxford, Oxford City Council, said: “I am excited that we will be starting to install the eco-moorings in early 2025. We know that many boaters have no other choice but to use wood-burning and diesel generators to keep warm. This project will allow us to explore how we can provide essential infrastructure to support boaters in transitioning to cleaner forms of heating, helping to protect them and their neighbours from harmful air pollution.” 

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Ros Daniels, director for London & South East, Canal & River Trust, added: “Air pollution is something that affects every one of us, and we all have a role to play in its reduction. Many boaters are very eco-conscious, and these moorings can give an alternative to diesel or solid fuel sources while still being available to those who do not yet have a mains connection.” 

The council says the Oxford eco-moorings project builds upon other successful projects in Islington and Camden and that lessons learned from the project will help inform the future management of Oxford’s canal – subject to funding.   

During the installation work, there may be temporary diversions in place on the towpath between Aristotle Lane and Walton Well Road, subject to weather conditions.

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