With longer and lighter days prompting more boaters to cruise the inland waterways, River Canal Rescue is posting ‘how to’ videos on YouTube, sharing practical tips on how to keep engines and components running smoothly.
The first video covers stern glands, discussing adjustment and packing replacement (the latter when no alignment is needed).

Fronted by RCR standards and ethics executive, Kerry Horton, he guides viewers through the whole process, from how to identify when an adjustment is necessary, where to make it and why not to over-tighten, to when to repack, how to remove existing packing and how to reduce water ingress during the process. Kerry’s top tips are also shared at the end of the video.
Designed to complement RCR’s practical guide – Narrow Boat Engine Maintenance and Repair – future videos will focus on diesel engines and their arrangements, explaining the theory behind the boat’s main systems, and giving instructions on how to identify key components, how to locate faults and where possible, how to fix them.
RCR’s second video ‘How to align the engine to the prop shaft’ is due for release in June. Find out more at www.youtube.com/@rivercanalrescue6450

The team is also keen to hear what topics boaters would like covered. Email what videos you’d like to see to [email protected]