River Canal Rescue reports it responded to 130 major incidents in 2022; emergency situations either involving submerged, partially sunken or grounded craft, plus salvage work.

The figure is 24% lower than the 171 incidents RCR reported in 2021, in line with the previous year’s 25% reduction, primarily due to clement weather and fewer floods.
In contrast, similar to the previous year, the number of general call-outs, such as electrical, fuel and engine issues, flat batteries, over-heating and gear box failures, rose to 3411, 5% up from 3235 in 2021. RCR engineers responded to 86% of call-outs; 14% were handled by approved-contractors.
RCR’s Canal Contracting service organised 499 visits to undertake a variety of work, including: plumbing and electrical installations, gearbox replacements, inverter, solar installations and general engine maintenance. There were also 578 engine services booked in.
Its subsidiary, Key Diesels, whose team fits and supplies new and refurbished engines nationwide, completed 42 engine replacements/installs and sold 14 engines direct to customers. Out of the 56 engines supplied, 19 were new, 24 refurbished and the rest pre-owned. Key Diesels also undertook nine engine rebuilds of customers own engines.
Stephanie comments: “Our waterways are becoming increasingly popular and while RCR is always on hand to help when and where we’re needed most, we always urge owners to give their boats a once-over before starting any journey and carry some spares ….a bit of preparation before you set sail can make a big difference to the success of your journey.
“Avoiding breakdowns is in everyone’s interest, as it can spoil holidays, place you in dangerous situations and leave you stranded in isolated areas.”
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