River Canal Rescue is now taking bookings for its two-day maintenance courses, running at its Stafford HQ on: 18/19 February, 4/5 and 26/27 March, 10/11 and 23/24 April, 7/8 and 21/22 May and 11/12 and 25/26 June.
The boat and engine maintenance course covers how to maintain diesel engines and the systems within a narrowboat, such as propulsion, cooling, engine servicing and fault finding, and will be led by RCR’s Kerry Horton and Dave Bull, both long-standing RCR employees with a wealth of knowledge and experience.

The course costs £300, with an additional charge of £15 for RYA certificates. Tailored courses are also on offer to groups and clubs, with discounts for boat clubs.
Course attendees receive a RCR certificate and a copy of the company’s Narrow Boat Engine Maintenance and Repair book – a practical guide detailing how to keep engines operational and boats moving.
RCR also offers a personal engine maintenance course with one-to-one tuition from an engineer/qualified trainer who will visit the boat and advise on how to undertake a basic service and help with engine familiarisation.
Instruction includes how to change the engine oil and filter, gearbox oil, air and fuel filters and water traps, check the alternator belt, raw-water pump impeller and stern gland, and top-up and test batteries, alternator performance, coolant and anti-freeze strength.

To ensure owners get the most from this experience, attendance on a maintenance course, prior to booking, is essential.
Dates for RCR’s monthly £340 electrical sessions, run by Kerry and senior engineers/electrical specialists, and covering fault-finding, repairs and Boat Safety Scheme/legislative requirements, are yet to be confirmed.
Sessions for marina and boat yard staff are available upon request and will focus on fault-finding and developing skills for electrical work, stripping and rebuilding gearboxes, understanding internal engine and gearbox components, and exposure to injection systems.
To find out more, call 01785 785680, email [email protected] or visit www.rivercanalrescue.co.uk