
Lucy Wood reports…

A FLOTILLA of boats from all over England paraded in a rally to mark 60 years of the Association of Waterways Cruising Clubs.

The rally, hosted by Lichfield Cruising Club on August 10/11, was officially opened by chief executive of the Canal and River Trust Richard Parry, who joined more than 100 AWCC members to mark the anniversary.

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Boats moored up at the Association of Waterways Cruising Clubs’ 60th anniversary rally. PHOTOS: AWCC
Boats moored up at the Association of Waterways Cruising Clubs’ 60th anniversary rally. PHOTOS: AWCC

Initially formed of just four clubs, St Pancras, Dunstable, Lee & Stort, and Uxbridge, the association has expanded over the decades to now include 83 groups which comprise almost all of England’s inland waterways boat and cruising clubs. Between them, they have about 6000 affiliated boaters.

A presentation was made to Richard Parry, chief executive of the Canal and River Trust, at the AWCC’s 60th anniversary celebration.
A presentation was made to Richard Parry, chief executive of the Canal and River Trust, at the AWCC’s 60th anniversary celebration.

The AWCC’s founding purpose was to support member boaters when cruising away from home waters, from safe moorings and technical support to family emergencies. This has changed with the times and the AWCC today represents leisure boaters through a nominated seat on the CRT council and an elected member on the trust’s appointments committee. The association is also represented on the Boat Safety Scheme’s technical, advisory and management committees to safeguard its members’ interests.

More than 100 AWCC members attended the celebrations hosted by Lichfield Cruising Club in August.
More than 100 AWCC members attended the celebrations hosted by Lichfield Cruising Club in August.

At the event, Mr Parry, who was accompanied by the CRT’s boating manager, Matthew Symonds, told guests: “I am delighted to have been invited to the AWCC’s 60th celebrations. It is a fundamental organisation which works closely with the CRT.” 

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More than 100 AWCC members from 20 clubs in 30 boats attended the rally, and some who could not attend by boat due to navigational issues came by camper van or car. To find out about clubs in your area, visit

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