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Tankbusters can help you to make dirty diesel bug contamination a thing of the past! Your engine(s) will be more efficient, cleaner and more reliable. The probability of blocked injectors will be dramatically reduced, filters will need changing less regularly. Potential cost savings are very significant and wasted time on repairs is reduced too.

Eliminate diesel bug contamination
Tankbusters equipment offers the best solution for the elimination and long-term control of diesel bug contamination, water, rust and heavy contaminants in the UK.
Remove diesel contamination by using Tankbusters Fuel Filtration equipment. and feel the benefits of clean fuel. Filtering to as low as 1 micron removes the general contamination. Then with additional filters that removes water to 100 PPM (Parts Per Million). Your engine is now running as it should be and free of contamination.
Tankbusters offer two services:-
1) They can come to you and clean by filtration, your tank and fuel. They’ll explain how their equipment works and you can see the equipment filtering out the contamination and water. Tankbusters will offer advice as to how you prevent the problem from fuel contamination happening again.
2) Tankbusters offer a range of equipment that can be purchased to both the Trade and Private customers that enable customers to clean their Tanks and Fuel. — Holding Tanks. Plant Equipment. Stand By Generators. Agricultural Equipment. Marine Tanks are just a few examples of the versatility of Tankbusters Equipment. But not just Diesel.– Hydraulic Oil. Kerosene Fuel and even Cooking Oil. Tankbusters also offer training in how to use its equipment, with online phone back up to assist customers with the odd onsite problems.
By using Tankbusters equipment and expertise you can ensure that you remove the contamination and avoid it happening again and have all of the benefits of clean oil.

The Benefits of Clean Diesel
Your engine(s) will be
- More fuel efficiency and the engine running with better power.
- Less changing of fuel filters.
- No more lost Down Time / Breakdowns.
- More reliability.
- Less chances of blocked injectors, fuel pumps. That cause damage to the engine.
Clean diesel can save you a lot of money, time and as a result, stress!
Read more about Tankbusters and the service they offer, here
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