TOP TIPS: For a perfect pic


How do you capture the best of our waterways? Tipton festival’s organiser, Kev Maslin, a photographer for many years, offers his top five tips for taking that perfect photograph…

Kev Maslin
Kev Maslin

• Visit a variety of locations and make use of different subjects within those areas to increase your chances of grabbing some eye-catching imagery. Each will have its own interesting qualities. Make effective use of colour, texture and features to convey mood and atmosphere.

• Don’t rush it. Take your time and concentrate on your composition. Look all around your viewfinder or screen before committing yourself to pressing that button. There may be something in the frame that you didn’t necessarily want.

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• Keep your eye on the sky. If it’s a cloudy day and a little bit overcast, but you can see that the sun is likely to make an appearance, wait for it to break through and light up the scene. The difference will astonish you.

• Pay attention to the overall shape of your composition. A portrait (vertical) shot may work better than a landscape (horizontal) one. If in doubt, shoot both and decide which looks best later. Don’t be afraid to get a little closer to capture those fine details.

• Make use of compositional elements in your pictures. There are lots of these out on the canals. For instance, you may wish to use a bridge arch to frame your scene or a lock beam to create foreground interest. Even including a simple bollard or edging stone can add an extra dimension.

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“Enjoy it!” said Kev.

“A love for your subject will always shine through.”

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