THE Dulverton Trust Fund, managed by the Heart of England Community Foundation, has generously awarded a grant to fund benches for elderly and disabled people to sit and relax by water at Whitehouse Wharf in Selly Oak, in the West Midlands.
An independent grant-making charity, it supports UK charities tackling a range of social issues, protecting the natural world and preserving heritage crafts. Whitehouse Wharf is situated next to the Sense HQ building and will be a popular destination for disabled people, shoppers and students.
Sajda Atiq, Sense day manager, said: “Having a place to sit outside with a scenic view, being able to hear the water, watch the ripples, wave to the boaters going by or even just sitting and feeling the breeze or sunshine is brilliant for disabled people with sensory impairments. It gives them the chance to be outdoors and enjoy life.”
The Glasdon bench seats, which were installed by Lapal Canal Trust volunteers, are made from recycled materials. With cast aluminium ends and composite slats they should require very little maintenance.
Particular thanks go to Denis Pike who prepared the concrete bases and bolted the benches down securely, and volunteers who helped and also tested the final result!
These beautiful benches are the finishing touch to the wharf recently completed by Land and Water Ltd and funded by many donations to the Lapal Canal Trust.
The trust is seeking funding for the next stage across Sainsbury’s car park and under Harborne Lane Bridge.
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