GRANTHAM Canal Society is seeking volunteers to join its team which keeps its boats and plant in working order.
The maintenance department is struggling to keep the society’s ever-increasing fleet in tiptop condition and any plant out of action impacts funds coming in as well as delaying restoration and repairs.

Volunteers are also being sought as restoration work starts on Lock 13. The first phase of the project includes constructing access roads, creating a towpath diversion, installing a boundary fence and site welfare well as removing vegetation and clearing the site before work can start on the lock itself.
Other construction issues include leaking culverts, banks and Lock 18, most of which can be solved in-house if the society can ‘build’ the size of its construction teams.
New members with a willingness to get the canal restored is the most important skill required, but people with existing building/construction skills would certainly increase the pace at which some of these issues can be resolved.
An appeal also recently went out for used equipment for the new welfare unit in a converted container including washing and toilet facilities and kitchen fitments.
Contact either [email protected] or [email protected] if you wish to join.
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