Work in progress at Whitehouse Wharf


PROGRESS is continuing on the construction of a new winding hole to enable boats to turn and enter the to-be-restored Dudley No 2 Canal from the Worcester & Birmingham Canal.

Contractors from Land & Water working on the new winding hole at Whitehouse Wharf. This photo was taken in April. PHOTO: LAPAL CANAL TRUST
Contractors from Land & Water working on the new winding hole at Whitehouse Wharf. This photo was taken in April. PHOTO: LAPAL CANAL TRUST

The 14-week project at Whitehouse Wharf is due for completion this month.

The contractor for the project is Land & Water.

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Lapal Canal Trust will encourage trip boats from Birmingham to use it as a destination as it will be large enough for them to moor in and pick up passengers.

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